Used properly, good compost not only promotes exceptional plant and turf health, it binds contaminants in storm water runoff and reduces the amount of irrigation and fertilizers needed for plants.
My Green Michigan only partners with experienced, reputable composters who comply with all applicable regulations and produce high quality compost.
We're excited to share with you the positive impact this service has on the environment and our communities. We believe that recycling food waste is an essential step towards a sustainable future, and that's why we've created an educational page to help you learn more about it. Through our educational resources, you'll discover how easy it is to participate in our food waste recycling program, and the many benefits it offers.

Looking for a partner that can help you take the next step towards a more sustainable future? Look no further than our food waste collection services.
Our reliable and consistent collection service ensures that your food waste is collected on a schedule that works for you. We work with you as a team member and listen to your needs, collaborating with your company to create a convenient pickup plan that helps you achieve your green goals. We can also provide resources and training to help educate your staff and maximize efficiencies and savings through specifically designed containers and trucks.
Partner with us today and start making a positive impact on our planet!